Appella 4069-2011

An average price for the women's watch Appella 4069-2011 is unknown.
Depending on the region where the watch sells, the price on Appella watches varies.
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Appella 4069-2011 WATCH TECH SPECS

Brand: Appella
Series: 4069-2011
Gender: men's
Movement: quartz
Caliber: Ronda 785 3H 6D
Source of energy: batteries
Figures: roman
Display type: analogue (arrows), 12-hour time format
Skeleton: not specified


Glass: mineral
Shockproof: not specified
Water-resistant: yes, WR30 (3 ATM)
Inset: not specified
Case Material: stainless steel, Coating: gold-plating (partial)
Material of Bracelet/Strap: leather
Dimensions (width, height, thickness): 32x38 millimeters
Watch weight: not specified


Accuracy movement: not specified
Sport-function: not specified
Date display: date
Additional functions: not specified
Built-in lights: not specified
Chronometer: not specified
Tachymeter: not specified
Chronograph: not specified
not specified


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Watch data

Tech specs of the brand watch Appella 4069-2011 are provided by the official website and catalogue of the manufacturer.
Despite this fact, don't forget to countercheck the information before purchasing ‘cause any source may contain some mistakes or misprints.

We recommend you to use the information on this page as the main review on the watch Appella 4069-2011 and if there are any questions, you can describe them in the comment section.

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Replica or original?

Original watches are high-priced and popular models which are produced for people of higher income. Replicas are made of original watches. Originals are usually gem-incrusted and made of or contain precious metals. During their production and delivery to the stores, these watches are strictly controlled by the producer. That's why we can talk about the finest goods.
These watches differ from other kinds in a few aspects:
1. The original of an expensive watch has a unique serial number and there's an embossed emblem of the brand on the crown.
2. For its production precious metals and materials like gold, silver, platinum etc. are used.
3. It's created with an exceptional accuracy.
4. Its movement is always hand assembled by a professional watchmaker, plus the company gives a guarantee for the watch.
5. These watches are meant for people who want to emphasize their social position or status. The price for the original watch is high.

Very detailed and accurate copy of the original watch is called a replica. It is not also made by the professional watchmakers and not always subjects to all the quality standards.
These copies, as a rule:
1. There are no hidden signs that confirm the originality (genuine) of the model.
2. They are made of cheaper materials.
3. Replicas of a low-quality don't possess the characteristics and features of the original watch.
4. The movement in replicas always differs from the one in the original watches and it has a short-termed guarantee.
5. Are cheaper than the originals but not cheap.